Aqua Facial / Hydra Facial

What is an Aqua Facial / Hydra Facial?

Hollywood stars have been swearing by the treatment from Los Angeles for several years.

The Aquafacial is a minimally invasive treatment that focuses on the skin on the face, décolleté or neck.

The skin is cleaned with an aquafacial device, massaged and supplied with important acids and vitamins.

The treatment includes cleansing, peeling and care. The result is a wonderfully radiant and purified complexion,

that makes you look five years younger.

All questions and answers about facial treatments can be found here:

Aquafacial treatment: the process During the treatment, our beautician takes special care of your facial skin.

The steps are as follows:

Step 1:

The first cleaning

In the first step, your skin is cleaned super thoroughly and effectively to remove coarse dirt. To do this, the skin is moistened and dead skin cells are removed using a small suction device with an attachment. Different products such as lactic acid or brown algae are already used here, which intensively nourish your skin and stimulate the formation of new cells.

Some beauticians also offer additional lymphatic drainage to further stimulate blood circulation and remove toxins.

2nd step:

The acid peel

No fear! The second step might sound a bit aggressive, but it's not that wild. Now the beautician will loosen deep-seated dirt and deposits with an acid peel (AHA or BHA). Glycolic acid and salicylic acid are mixed and gently applied to your skin. After a little massage, the whole thing is removed again. Now your pores are open and ready for the next step.

3rd step:

The deep cleaning

After the peeling has opened the first doors, a suction cup can now pull all deposits out of your skin.

Another serum is often applied to your skin for this purpose. This allows the vacuum suction cup to slide over the skin more easily. It pulls blackheads, sebum and dirt out of your pores.

4th step:


At the end of the treatment, your skin will now be supplied with important vitamins and minerals. A mask of antioxidants, vitamins and extracts is massaged into your skin and designed to penetrate intensely for 10 minutes. Hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E and various plant extracts are used here to soothe your skin and give it a fresh boost. In some studios, LED red light irradiation is also offered, which additionally stimulates your collagen formation.

Aquafacial effect:

What does an aquafacial help against and what does it work against?

Of course you will see slight improvements after the first application. However, if you want to take long-term action against blemishes and acne, the facial should take place once a month.

These are the most exciting treatment areas for the popular facial:

  • blemishes and acne
  • First wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • pigment spots
  • Dry and sagging skin


What is an aquafacial good for?

The facial can have a great effect on your skin. After the first application you can observe increasing improvements in your skin's appearance:

  • Radiant skin and great glow
  • Significantly reduces visible pores
  • Cleansed complexion and fewer blemishes
  • Less visible wrinkles
  • Increased elasticity
  • Hydrated, moist skin
  • Reduced pigment spots

Does an aquafacial hurt?

Although suction and acid are used, an aquafacial is absolutely painless. Our beautician pays close attention to your wishes and takes them into consideration

on your sensitivity to pain. In the preliminary talk, the beautician can take away your initial fears and concerns.

How often should you do an aquafacial?

Dermatologists recommend an aquafacial every four to five weeks. If you have your skin cleaned thoroughly once a month, your skin problems will subside quickly and you can also take action against the first wrinkles at an early stage.

For whom is an aquafacial not suitable?

The facial treatment is suitable for many skin types. Only people with bacterial infections, sunburn and people over 65 should avoid an aquafacial. From this age, the skin becomes very thin and sensitive.

What should be considered after the aquafacial?

Your skin is as beautiful as ever after the treatment and yet it is now a little sensitive. It is advisable to avoid make-up, other peelings or treatments and the use of aggressive products such as retinol after the treatment. You should also not wear makeup for 24 hours. Even a week should pass before retinol or chemical peels such as BHA and AHA are used.

We offer you three different treatments:

Express Basic T Zone

(Deep facial cleansing, AHA/BHA aquafacial peeling, care mask, final care)

Duration approx. 45 minutes


(Deep facial cleansing, AHA/BHA aquafacial peeling, ampoule RF injection, HF module, care mask, final care)

Duration approx. 60 minutes


(Deep facial cleansing, AHA/BHA Aquafacial Peeling, Hyaluron/Collagen/Vitamin Ampoule Airstream Injection, Aquafacial Vitamin C & Antioxidant, Hyaluron/Collagen/Vitamin Ampoule RF Injection, Massage, Charocal mask, gold mask, HF module, IR light teraphy mask, final care)

Duration approx. 90 minutes

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